Freaky Alternate Universe.
roseveare's fanfic and fanart : VERSION 3x3 EYES

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Download all fic to read offline - 50 stories, html format, 1050k, zipped - updated! 14.05.09
(Multi-part novels Janovay (176k) and Inertia (182k) will need to be downloaded separately.)

angel fanfiction

Glass Half Full rated PG13, 20k, 3700 words
Doyle and Wesley work together in the afterlife. Pre-slash. Written for the 2010 Doyleathon.

Inertia - rated R, 77,000 words
Download all 8 chapters zipped (182k)
by chapter - 1. Still Life | 2. Severance | 3. Watcher | 4. Fracture | 5. Removed | 6. Case Study | 7. Mission Objective | 8. Comrades in Arms | 9. Convergence | 10. Crysalis
A novel about Wesley in 'Birthday's' other universe. Mild slash. NOW COMPLETE!

Second String rated PG, 22k, 3700 words
Wesley and Cordelia, clearing up after the latest apocalypse. Gen. Written for foreverwes as part of the Angel Book of Days spring challenge.

Theatre of the Absurd rated hard R, 39k, 6500 words
"Don't get taken alive," the army general had said. She never was any good at following orders. AU, Wishverse, Darla/Kate SLASH. Written for Sunka as part of the Angel Book of Days winter challenge.

Parallel Lives rated PG, 35k, 6200 words
"Look, kid, do you want to save the world or not?" So your dad's a vampire, your foster-mum's in a different dimension, and you're living in a world where somebody did a Sam Beckett on the timeline. It's tough being a Teenage Champion of the Light.

Surrogates rated mild R, 6k, 1,000 words
"Really funny thing is - I asked for it."/"You usually did." Souled Spike/Angel in 1000 words. Flashficathon challenge fic. Slash.

The Understudy rated PG-13, 136k, 23,000 words
While Angel's away for Thanksgiving, Cordy and Doyle take on a case that's a little too close to home. Season 1, post-'Bachelor Party'.

Unwoven rated PG, 9k, 1,600 words
'She is/was never here.' Five things that didn't happen to Fred.

Reconstruction rated R, 79k, 13,000 words
Fred negotiates the perils of responsibility; Lilah discovers her inner Xena. Sequel to Burning Down.

Burning Down rated hard R, 71k, 12,000 words
Fred, Lilah, Angelus, and the apocalypse. Part 1 in a femslash series.

Bleed rated mild R, 3k, 400 words
'Lilah has a hole in her.' Spoilers to Calvary, possible squick warning.

Return rated R, 50k, 8,300 words
'She can't believe they're the last ones left.' Faith and Wesley, ten years on. Post-season 3.

Quartet rated R, 170k, 30,000 words
Los Angeles is about to be wiped off the face of the Earth, its resident guardian Angel nowhere to be found; Fred, Gunn, Lilah and Wesley are going to Hell in a handbasket. Post-Season 3.

Remuneration rated PG-13 (language warning), 4k, 550 words
Post-Season 3 snippet, 550 words. Faith pushes Wesley back from the edge on her way down.

Rogue Demons rated PG-13, 137k, 23,500 words
"Of all the options I was weighing for the evening, being held captive by gangster demons alongside *you* was not exactly a feature on my list..." Wesley and Doyle are having a Really Bad Day. An episode of Angel the Cyber Series

In Memoriam rated PG, 14k, 2,200 words
Wishverse vignette from the Doyle Investigations universe. A Slayer's memorial.

Going Scully rated PG-13, 58k, 9,500 words
Set somewhere between The Prodigal and Five by Five. Detective Lockley hunts a demon.

City Without... [illustrated] [non-illustrated] rated PG-13, 111k, 20,000 words
Doyle-centric alternate version of City of... What if Angel had said no?

BtVS fanfiction

William the Bloody Useless and the Beaker of Doom rated PG-13, 27k, 4600 words
Spike aka William the Bloody, experiencing a rather bad week while attempting to affect the removal of one Pesky Government Implant, is forced by Dire Circumstance to join forces with the World's Worst Demon Hunter to save the world from Imminent Destruction.

The Substitute Teacher rated PG-13, 168k, 29,000 words
Alternate Universe BTVS season 3. The Scooby gang suspect a new teacher at Sunnydale High may be a demon.

miscellaneous fragments

Snippet 2 (Angel) rated PG-13, 3k
Wesley and Gunn, post Apocalypse Nowish. AU. Slashy.

Snippet 1 (Angel) rated PG-13, 3k
Faith tortures Wesley. Cut from the final draft of Return.

Small Dreams (Angel) rated PG-13, 13k, unfinished
City Without part deux: Cordelia's side of the coin.
(July '00. This was meant to be a sequel which mirrored Doyle's character development in City Without for Cordelia, but since I wrote The Substitute Teacher, which covers similar ground, it's doubtful this will ever be completed now.)

Disclaimer: Characters and concepts from Angel, BtVS, Farscape, Doctor Who etc are owned by their respective copyright holders. I borrow them without permission & make no profit from this site.